Continuing on this path seems inevitable… and impossible.
Every day, everyone else is a priority.
Every day, the first thing you think about is what needs to be done.
Who needs my help?
Where do kids, friends, and family need to be… and how am I going to get them there?
When will I have time for it all?
And, in the end… it’s never all done.
The rat-race starts all over again. In your head every night… and first thing in the morning. All day… every day.
It’s not just a cliché…
Our mind, body, and spirit are all affected by everything we do.
If everyone else is a priority all the time, our bodies become ill. Our minds become foggy and confused. Our spirit becomes anxious and depressed.
Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness become second nature, but we hide behind “I’m fine.”
At some point, everything comes to a screeching halt. There is nothing left to give. You become drained and unfulfilled.
And to top it off, this somehow feels like your fault. Maybe you’ve heard yourself thinking, “If I could just be better, do better, or have more energy, I would be able to do all this better!”
Therapy can show you how to have it all…
… how to take care of those you love AND yourself.
We’ll take a look at the patterns that have kept you in a cycle of hopelessness, fear, and failure phobia.
We’ll free you from feelings of never being good enough.
We’ll reconnect you with the power you have within.
I’ll show you the way out. Here’s how…
With 20+ years of helping others, I know all the pitfalls of self-neglect.
I have sat with the frustration, anxiety, and tears of many.
With a gentle and firm understanding, I will show you how thoughts, behaviors, and emotions join to create the angst you are experiencing.
With my years of training in many different modalities, I will guide each session in a respectful and careful conversation. We will tap into your inner wisdom, and you will become aware of solutions that are exactly the right thing for you and your circumstances.
These are the results you want…
You will become more and more empowered.
You will know what direction to go. No more second, third, and fourth guessing yourself and others.
You will know how to trust yourself and others in a way that you never knew existed.
When was the last time it was all about you?
These are not dirty words!
We’ll completely dedicate one hour to making things better for YOU.
Sessions are scheduled with YOU in mind. A personalized weekly or bi-weekly schedule makes it easy to fit into your lifestyle.
The office setting and scheduling is designed for YOUR comfort and complete confidentiality.
No more excuses… you deserve this.
I’m with you every step of the way. From the moment we meet and every time after, we will work toward the life you’ve always wanted.
Don’t put another minute between you and your peace.
Call me today for a free 20-minute consultation: (941) 473-2400.
I will speak with you personally; and if I’m not able to answer, I will call back within the day.