For a quick and simple way to take the edge off, please find a quiet space and listen to a complimentary five minute guided relaxation

Destination Retreats

This needs to be on everyone’s bucket list…

A time set aside and away from the race of every day. 

The constant phone calls, to-do lists, work, family, and friends. They are all great, but sometimes it’s just too much.

You can feel the stress in your body, the fatigue in your mind, and the depletion in your soul.

Sometimes it just needs to be about you and not the “to do.”

Destination Retreats are transformative.

You will be invited to participate in physical challenges, meaningful discussions, and soulful exercises…

… revealing skills you never knew you possess. 

You’ll be sharing meals, stories, hopes, and dreams with others who are doing the same…

… being present, supported, and connected to those around you.

You will challenge yourself and cheer others on to victory…

… connecting mind, body, and spirit, you will feel whole.

Do you have questions?

You won’t want to go home – and when you do go home, nothing will be the same.

I would love to share my vision with you. Give me a call at (941) 473-2400.